- FILIPINO and ENGLISH are the only language allowed in the forums and chatbox except on threads made specially for your own language.
- Before posting read the rules of each section and use our SEARCH Engine to avoid double posts. And as much as possible try to follow the posting guidelinesmade by the PD Staff.
- We should act like a family and treat and respect other members like your brothers and sisters.
- All topics must contain full description specially posted applicatios. (screenshot, source if needed).
- Signatures used should not exceed 500KB in size.
- Word Abbreviations or SMS-type in posting.
- Use of vulgar, lewd, crude, or offensive language in English, Tagalog, or any other language is strictly prohibited.
- Personal attacks, insulting other members or starting flame wars are strictly prohibited. Members involved will be given a warning or will be banned from the forum.
- Off topic or nonsense messages like 'thanks', 'padaan' or posting only smileys and the like.
- Double posting or Posting the same messages in a short span of time.
- Bumping your own threads in order to raise it to the top of the list of active threads
- Advertising and spamming is not allowed. This includes using the forum email and Private message system to spam other members. This also includes promotion of websites similar to
- Registering multiple accounts, Hacking, borrowing or lending your own account to anyone is also prohibited
- Posting affiliate links like linkbucks is strictly not allowed except in the user signature. (eg. linkbucks, urlcash and other similar programs)
- Posting links generated by url shortening services (eg: TinyURL) is allowed provided that the original link does not violates any of our existing rules. Posts found using these services to hide offending urls will be deleted and proper sanction will be given.
- As much as possible Use the following format in writing the Subject/Title of your new post.
- [REQ]- Requesting
- [TUT]- Tutorial
- [FYI]- Additional information
- [HELP]- Help
Bad example:
Good example:
[REQ] Microsoft Office 2007
- If your link contains the following Filehosts use this format:
- [RS]- Rapidshare
- [MF]- Mediafire
- [MU]- Megaupload
- [FF]- Filefactory
- [ES]- Easy-share
- [PL]- Plunder
- [ZD]- Ziddu
- [SS]- sendspace
[RS] Microsoft Office 2007
[RS, MF, FF] Microsoft Office 2007
Note: Pls. be generous and patient in waiting for your request to be granted
- Use [code] or [qoute] in posting links for clearer view
- All Do's and Dont's are also applicable to our chatbox.
- No Flooding in the CHATBOX. You are only allowed to send TWO consecutive shouts.
- Give priority to the newbies of our forum.
- NO posting of obscene pictures, links and other sites, which are not related to Pinoyden.
- Do not use CAPITAL LETTERS, unless important like: Announcements related to our forum.
- Bad words, insult, flaming and boasting are prohibited in our chat box.